Transparency and rigor
We strive to guarantee our donors transparency and rigor in the use of the funds they entrust to us to finance our missions. The accounts of our association are established with the assistance of our accountant, Mr. Sylvain Lecat and published annually.
Whatever the amount of your donation, the Jean-Jacques PUYOO Endowment Fund is committed to making its accounts public with complete transparency. A priority for us as for you which guarantees the rigorous use of all the donations entrusted to us.
The Jean-Jacques PUYOO Endowment Fund is subject to numerous controls which guarantee the quality of its management and the transparency of its communication.
Our accounts are drawn up by an accountant external to the Endowment Fund. In addition, they are audited annually by an independent auditor who certifies them.
The moral, activity and financial reports are public and permanently accessible on our website.
Our success is the result of the commitment of our donors, our supporters and our volunteers, a guarantee of our rigor and loyalty to our principles of transparency.