4 million
This is the number of people over 60 who will make up France in 2050
Today, at the psychiatric hospital, 30% of positions are not filled and 20% of intern positions are deserted. In hospital departments where there were ten psychiatrists, there is now only one. Services are emptying of their professionals and sometimes their beds. With beds closed by the tens of thousands in recent decades and chronic underfunding , the task for those who remain is immense. This is how the development of the coronavirus epidemic has disrupted the organization of already very affected services and increased the workload of healthcare staff. Services or establishments welcoming the elderly have been particularly exposed to contagion. The staff expressed legitimate fears and the elderly residents developed serious forms of the disease. To the anxiety generated by the risk of being contaminated and staff on edge, was added that caused by the distancing of visitors, necessary to protect them. However, the elderly person's relationship with the people who are most dear to them is particularly precious.
It is in this context that ARESATO, founding member of the Jean Jacques Puyoo endowment fund, set up a project allowing units welcoming elderly people within psychiatric hospitals to obtain digital tablets with the main objective of maintain the connection between patients and their loved ones. An experimental project followed by 18 units in France.
The assessment of this first experimental phase specifies that the use of tablets, more than a complement in therapeutic care, can contribute to serving its objectives, particularly through cognitive workshops for groups of 5 or 6 patients supervised by professionals. health (psychologist , neuropsychologist, psychomotor therapist, occupational therapist, nurse). These workshops are the transition to the second experimental phase of Keep the Link, simply titled “Keep the Link #2”
Once the patient is familiar with the use of digital tablets during cognitive workshops, to communicate with loved ones or to use the applications for fun purposes during hospitalization, it is likely that this digital tool could be integrated into the care process allowing continuity of care after discharge. Indeed, it would be possible to install a secure application such as that of Doctolib, where the exchange of information on the medical file could be shared so that the patient and their loved ones have access to the progress of their care. therapeutic. This same application could be a space for dialogue between the patient and the medical staff, thus facilitating home care.
And there is another issue behind the provision of these digital tablets in the discharge care process for elderly patients, which goes beyond their ability to be in contact with those around them and the nursing staff, it This includes maintaining their cognitive functions through the use of applications used in groups during workshops offered by the hospital, but also prevention and preservation of independence before the first disabilities appear. Indeed, aging well has become a public health priority, especially since those over 60 could represent 1/3 of the population in 2050.
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