Imagine a silent world, without contrasts or colors, blurry, or even completely plunged into darkness. It is possible to feel the agitation, the density of things and to perceive the vibrations of life around. In this world, we can only imagine that of those who can see and hear, work, have multiple activities and hardly worry about being understood or understanding others because verbal communication is acquired to them just like their perception visual of the world. We must then redouble our ingenuity and effort to integrate, access the news, exchange, move from spectator to actor and not sink into total isolation. Art Access’ is a project that offers accessibility to culture as a means of combating the isolation of deafblind, blind and deaf people. Indeed, what bond unites men if not culture and what about those who do not have access to it due to lack of means at their disposal? By promoting awareness of the riches that each environment and each individual possesses, culture “establishes a link between others and oneself”; it allows us to communicate, it is a “meeting of the other”. A vital element of a dynamic society, it is expressed in the way we tell stories, celebrate, recall the past, entertain ourselves and imagine the future. Without access to culture we are therefore condemned to being on the edge of the world. However, accessibility for the deaf, the blind and the deafBlind is still too little developed except for a few museums made aware of their cause since the 2005 law for equal opportunities.
The endowment fund wishes to offer an inclusive and traveling exhibition with places and works accessible to all . This exhibition is also an opportunity for everyone to encounter disability. For practical reasons and to raise awareness among as many people as possible, it will be traveling.

This is the number of visually impaired people in France
This is the number of profoundly deaf people in France
This would be the number of deaf and blind people in France but as there has never been a census this figure is clearly theoretical.
This is the number of people affected.

In 12 major French cities for 1 month of exhibition and by activating the networks of people with disabilities in the surrounding area, ART ACCESS' will offer a selection of “touchable” and “hearable” works by local artists as well as creative workshops for all . Thus, Aix-en-Provence, Besançon, Bordeaux, Dijon, Grenoble, Lille, Lyon, Paris, Rennes and Toulouse will be the scene of this unique sensory journey in the service of inclusive culture.
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